Dual Extruder vs Single Extruder 3D Printing – Which One is More Convenient?

January 15, 2022

Dual Extruder vs Single Extruder 3D Printing – Which One is More Convenient?

3D printing has recently come a long way, with more and more sophisticated printers becoming available. One of the decisions you'll be faced with when picking a printer is whether to choose a single extruder or dual extruder printer. But, which one is more convenient? We'll compare the two options to help you make an informed decision.

Single Extruder 3D Printers

Single extruder printers, as the name suggests, have only one extruder. This means that they can only print with one material at a time. They are great for beginners since they are relatively simple to use and cheaper to operate. They're also perfect for printing simple objects since you don't have to worry about switching between materials.

Dual Extruder 3D Printers

On the other hand, dual extruder printers have two extruders, allowing you to print with two materials simultaneously. They're more versatile and give you more flexibility in your designs. For example, you can print with two different colored materials or combine materials with different properties like flexible and rigid plastics.

The Convenience Factor

While dual extruder printers are more versatile, single extruder printers have some advantages as well. Since they print with only one material at a time, there is less chance of material mixing, making the printing process more reliable.

That said, if you're printing complex objects, a dual extruder printer will save you time as you won't need to stop and switch materials manually. It's also the better option if you're frequently printing with two different materials.


At the end of the day, choosing between a single extruder and a dual extruder will largely depend on the type of printing you plan to do. If you're a beginner or will mostly be printing simple objects, a single extruder printer will suffice. But, if your designs require more advanced capabilities, such as printing with multiple materials, consider investing in a dual extruder printer.

We hope this article has given you some helpful information to make an informed decision. Happy printing!


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